Hymnus Latinus Unionis Europaeae

es una profesión de fe a la Europa moderna escrita por el Amicus Dr. Peter Roland siguiendo la música de la cuarta sinfonía de Ludwig van Beethoven y cantada por el Coro de Viena (Wiener Singverein), dirigido por Johannes Prinz.


Est Europa nunc unita

et unita maneat;

una in diversitate

pacem mundi augeat.


Semper regant in Europa

fides et iustitia

et libertas populorum

in maiore patria.


Cives, floreat Europa,

opus magnum vocat vos.

Stellae signa sunt in caelo

aureae, quae iungunt nos.











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Europe is united now

United it may remain;

Our unity is diversity

May contribute to world peace.


May there forever reign in Europe

Faith and justice

And freedom for its people

in a greater motherland


Citizens, Europe shall flourish,

A great task calls on you.

Golden stars in the sky are

The symbols that shall unite us.